
Communit-e-market E-Tienda Listing Forms

For existing stores in the Vilcabamba are we can offer their own Vilca Vende E-Tienda with multiple categories to feature as many of their unique products as they like. This is a chance to draw customers to their tiendas to sell the goods advertised on Vilca Vende and also other products while they are there. 

Vilca Vende Communit-E-Market E-tienda

E-Tienda = 30 Vilca Bucks/month

  • Includes up to 5 categories and up to 20 products

  • 1 entire inventory update per month

  • Vilca Vende marketing assistance 

  • 1 extra product = 3 Vilca Bucks/month

  • 5 extra products = 10 Vilca Bucks/month

  • 10 extra products = 15 Vilca Bucks/month

  • product changes = $1 each

New E-Tienda or extra product request  form

If you would like to sign up for a new Vilca Vende E-Tienda or if you need to make changes or additions to your existing E-Tienda please fill out this form and Vilca Vende will respond with instructions on how to proceed 

Name Store name E-mail Whatsapp
Category of E-Tienda
Locally Sourced Products
Livestock and farm supplies
Build your E-Tienda
E-Tienda - 20 products (30 Vilca Bucks/m)
1 extra product (3 Vilca Bucks/m)
5 extra products (10 Vilca Bucks/m)
10 extra products (15 Vilca Bucks/m?
product change request
Number of categories
Please enter category names in point form Other relevant information Submit

Individual Product submission form

Fill out this form after you have submitted the "New E-tienda Or Extra Product Request Form" and have received a response and instructions from Vilca Vende to proceed to the product submission process. Please fill out a separate form for each product.

Name Store name E-mail Whatsapp#
Category of E-Tienda
Locally Sourced Products
Livestock and farm supplies
Product name Price of product Product Description - English Product Description - Spanish pictures of product
Choose file
special instructions Submit