

Welcome to Vilcabamba's Communit-E-marketplace. We offer legitimate, organized and honest online commerce:
  • All pricing is displayed accurately and all items are located in the Vilcabamba area.
  • We offer free advertising in the chat forum below where community members can communicate with each other and post their items for no charge.
  • For those who would like a more organized platform to showcase what they have to offer we provide online store space for both independent sellers and existing tiendas in the Vilcabamba area.
  • Our goal is not to compete with existing local tiendas and businesses but instead to work with them and provide them with an online platform to showcase their products and at the same time to also connect them with our independent sellers to find new locally crafted products for the local tiendas to sell on their store shelves.
  • We dream of a community that is as self sufficient as possible and we want to provide a platform where other dreamers can bring their ideas to the local market and share them with the community easily and efficiently.