community listings


Purchase Form

For most of the categories featured on Vilca Vende we sell what we call Communit-E-Cards. These are basic advertising cards that are organized into easy to navigate categories and showcase basic information about your business, program or cause:

  • Communit-E-Cards range from free to $6.00/month depending on the category.

  • Communit-E-Cards are priced differently based on how competitive the category is. Some categories are free to help promote beneficial community projects, programs, and services.

  • Each card has the option to be upgraded with link buttons to allow the advertiser to provide more information about their business or program or to connect with customers easier.

  • The link buttons can be upgraded to link to a full page multi-media ad hosted on the Vilca Vende website or we can also build a full multi-page website with a link from a button on your Vilca Vende Communit-E-Card.

  • The benefit of the full website add-on is that you get your own full independent website with your own domain name and multiple pages to advertise your business or program.

  • Add-on link buttons can also be linked to an automatic phone call/email feature or to download a file provided by the advertiser which could be a weekly flyer, menu, or whatever information you want to communicate with your target audience.

  • If you want to advertise under multiple categories there is a discount for multiple Communit-E-Cards.

  • Cards are priced differently based on how competitive the category is and some are free to help promote beneficial community projects, programs, and services.

  • See the form below for pricing of Communit-E-Cards posted under specific categories.

  • basic communit-e-Card * 0-6 Vilca Bucks/month

  • File link/phone link add-on * 4 Vilca Bucks/month 

  • Full page listing add-on10-20 Vilca Bucks/month 

  • Full independent website$100+  (ask for quote)

Communit-e-card listing form

Name E-mail Phone Name of Vendor Category
Ad type
Communit-E-Card - ($0-$6/m)
Full Page link Add-on - ($10-$20/m)
Full Website link Add-on - ($100+ ask for quote)
file/phone/email link add-on ($5/m)
Vilca News Ad - ($5/m)
8.5"x11" Bulletin Board Ad - ($5+/m)
Description Additional information
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