Communit-E-Cards range from free to $6.00/month depending on the category.
Communit-E-Cards are priced differently based on how competitive the category is. Some categories are free to help promote beneficial community projects, programs, and services.
Each card has the option to be upgraded with link buttons to allow the advertiser to provide more information about their business or program or to connect with customers easier.
The link buttons can be upgraded to link to a full page multi-media ad hosted on the Vilca Vende website or we can also build a full multi-page website with a link from a button on your Vilca Vende Communit-E-Card.
The benefit of the full website add-on is that you get your own full independent website with your own domain name and multiple pages to advertise your business or program.
Add-on link buttons can also be linked to an automatic phone call/email feature or to download a file provided by the advertiser which could be a weekly flyer, menu, or whatever information you want to communicate with your target audience.
If you want to advertise under multiple categories there is a discount for multiple Communit-E-Cards.
Cards are priced differently based on how competitive the category is and some are free to help promote beneficial community projects, programs, and services.
See the form below for pricing of Communit-E-Cards posted under specific categories.