western medicine

Standard Health care providers

Vilcabamba has a good assortment of standard western style medicine practitioners for help with whatever ails you.
family doctors

General practicioners

Family doctors and general medicine practitioners in the Vilcabamba area

Doctor A

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

doctor b

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

doctor c

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

doctor d

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

get moving again

physical therapy

Standard physical therapists and treatment centers in the Vilcabamba area.

Physio A

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

Physio b

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

Physio c

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

Physio d

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

take care of your smile

Dental practictioners

Vilcabamba has a good assortment of dental practitioners to keep your teeth healthy.

Dentist A

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

Dentist b

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

Dentist c

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

Dentist d

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

healthy living support

Pharmacies & supplements

Vilcabamba has an abundance of pharmacies and nutritional supplement stores to support a healthy lifestyle.



This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.



This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.



This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.


store 1

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.