qucik and easy

Takeout and Fast food

Takeout and fast food options for something quick and easy to eat in Vilcabamba.
in the heart of Vilcabamba

close to the center

Takeout and fast food restaurants within 2 blocks of the central park in Vilcabamba.

fast food


This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

fast food


This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.


restaurant #1

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.


restaurant #2

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

further out

On the outskirts

Takeout and fast food restaurants more than 2 blocks away from the central park in Vilcabamba.


fast food #1

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.


fast food #2

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.


takeout #1

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.


takeout #2

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

hidden gems

off the beaten path

Takeout and fast food restaurants outside of Vilcabamba or in the neighboring communities.

Hidden Gem

fast food #1

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

Hidden Gem

fast food #2

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

Hidden Gem

takeout #1

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

Hidden Gem

takeout #2

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

mobile food vendors

Street Vendors and food trucks

mobile food vendors for special events and celebrations in Vilcabamba or the neighboring communities.

food truck


This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

food truck


This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

Street vendor


This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.

Street vendor


This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be purchased to advertise your business.