trade and barter

Vilcabamba Barter club

Part of our vision for sovereign living is the ability to trade and barter as part of our daily lives so we have the option of commerce without money or any centralized currency.
barter economy

Personal Barter Cards

For those interested in the barter lifestyle you can purchase a "barter card" on Vilca Vende to easily showcase what you have to trade and what you are looking for in exchange. Also feel free to communicate and negotiate barter exchanges in the chat forum below the barter cards for no charge. Vilca Vende is also a proud member of the club and we are open to bartering for our services. To propose a trade with any of the following individuals fill out their barter card and submit it to them for their consideration.

   Vilca    vende

25 Vilca Bucks
Select the items you have for trade:
concrete work
gardening work
Upload pictures of the items you have to trade
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  Jessica   Tymo

Babysitting services
Select the items you have for trade
upload pictures of the items you have to trade
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   Pat    Glenday

Hockey Skates
Select the items you have for trade
RC car
bmx bike
knitting needles
used bricks
pizza oven
Upload pictures of what you have for trade
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David Staneart

DJI Phantom 4 Drone
Select the items you have for trade
RC car
bmx bike
knitting needles
used bricks
pizza oven
Upload pictures of what you have for trade
Choose file
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