Community helping community

Vilcabamba charity & fundraising

Vilcabamba is a caring community that takes care of those less fortunate or down on their luck. Vilca Vende would like to help facilitate this generous spirit and also provide a platform for funding of community projects and investment in beneficial entrepreneurial projects dreamed up by local area residents. Feel free to post relevant listings in this category for no charge.

big hearts

Funding for community members in need

Vilcabamba is a caring community that looks out for it's residents. Use Vilca Vende to post free listings to help out specific residents who have fell on hard times and need temporary help.

local family

in need #1

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be yours for free to advertise your cause.



This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be yours for free to advertise your cause.

support for


This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be yours for free to advertise your cause.

local family

in need #2

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be yours for free to advertise your cause.

community builders

funding for community projects

Ongoing support of community infrastructure to help less fortunate and at-risk community members with programs and spaces that they can count on for assistance.

funding for



This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be yours for free to advertise your cause.

funding for



This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be yours for free to advertise your cause.

funding for



This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be yours for free to advertise your cause.

funding for



This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be yours for free to advertise your cause.


crowd-funding for private projects

Here is a spot to support the entrepreneurial spirit of the residents of Vilcabamba. If you have an idea feel free to post your plan here and ask for investment from the community.


Tilapia farm

This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be yours for free to advertise your cause.



This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be yours for free to advertise your cause. 

kids Nature


This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be yours for free to advertise your cause.

new vegan


This is an example of a Communit-E-Card that can be yours for free to advertise your cause.