permanent employment

Vilcabamba's part-time employment listings

Check out what there is for permanent part-time employment opportunities in the Vilcabamba area. These opportunities must be posted by legitimate local employers and be in compliance with all Ecuadorean labor laws for part-time employment. This section is for legitimate permanent part-time positions only. 
casual work

Part-time job opportunities

Post your job listing here if you are an employer looking for permanent part-time employees in the Vilcabamba area.

  • Sample job #1 - more info

    Short job description including wage, hours and any benefits included

  • Sample job #2 - more info

    Short job description including wage, hours and any benefits included

  • Sample job #3 - more info

    Short job description including wage, hours and any benefits included

  • Sample job #4 - more info

    Short job description including wage, hours and any benefits included

  • Sample job #5 - more info

    Short job description including wage, hours and any benefits included

flexible employees

part-time job applicants

Post your resume here if you are an individual looking for permanent part-time employment in the Vilcabamba area.

  • Sample applicant #1 - resume.file

    Short job description of applicant and what type of employment they seek

  • Sample sample applicant #2 - resume.file

    Short job description of applicant and what type of employment they seek

  • Sample applicant #3 - resume.file

    Short job description of applicant and what type of employment they seek

  • Sample applicant #4 - resume.file

    Short job description of applicant and what type of employment they seek

  • Sample applicant #5 - resume.file

    Short job description of applicant and what type of employment they seek